Chase McFly's Elite ANT Force Fanfiction Wikia

Who Killed Evie I is the muder mystery of Good Luck, Liv and Maddie's Kickin' Suite Time Wizard ANT World Bunkin' Force: Bionic Superhero Secret Service Division Season 4.

The Crime

After Chase followed the Bionic Superhero Secret Service Division back to 2063, the lights flickered and Evie was seen lying on the Davenport White House Academy staircase on blood splashes. She disappeared and then Louis Sr and Angela touched the blood. The blood lying on the staircase is the only evidence Evie is actually dead. Louis and Angela were subsequently arrested for her so-called murder.

The Suspects

  • Louis and Angela-They were severely drunk the night Evie disappeared. It is likely that they could have aggressively knocked her into a coma, as they already did so with Zuri and do not usually drink.
  • Cyd- She borrowed $700,000 from Evie in May 2040 to keep the Heather D. Company afloat during the real estate crisis. Diggie called in the debt so he and Holden could put on Fantastic 4: An Action Musical. Heather attempted to get Evie drunk in order to get an extension on the loan but she rejected her offers.  Heather later returned to the academy late on the night of Evie's disappearance deeply ashamed of something. Shelly forced her to take a Forget-Me-Now pill  and she forgot what happened.
  • Herself- Evie's chronic vertigo caused her to fall down countless times, so this tumble could have been an accident. Or, she could have faked her death to get out of a debt. She owned Davenport-Tipton Holdings/Davenport Industries during the 2039 real estate market crisis and could have been in deep debt.
  • Tina or Bailey or Bree-